PAA Poster Session

Meet the Researchers

Thursday, January 9
5-5:30 PM
PAA Poster Session, Expo Hall

Applying Humic Acid In-Furrow: Are There Benefits?
Biotech Advancements Support the Potato Industry
Characterization of the nature of Potato virus Y resistance in potato variety Bistra
Comparison of remote sensing and traditional scouting for estimating Colorado potato beetle damage
Development of Early Die: A Preliminary Look
Dynamics of potato virus Y infection pressure and strain composition in the San Luis Valley, Colorado
Economic Efficiency of Mineral Oil-Insecticide Combinations in the Management of PVY
Economics of early blight control in the semi-arid environment of the Pacific Northwest US
Enhancing Land Use Efficiency: Twin-Row Potato Production in Northern Maine (coming soon)
Finding Pathogens in Your Soil
Late season tuber development of Russet Burbank and Clearwater Russet on bruise susceptibility
Optimization of Row Width and Seed Spacing for Red Norland
Optimizing Pre-Planting Curing Conditions of Cut Seed Tubers
PMTV: Unseen Threats to a Global Staple
Resistance to potato virus Y in potato: broad spectrum versus strain-specific resistance
Storage Requirements for Rainier Russet Potatoes
The Impact of Pathogen Population Shifts on Potato Blackleg and Soft Rot in the Northeastern U.S. under the Changing Climate
University of Florida Potato Breeding Program (coming soon)