Bill would make ag truck transportation more efficient

This week, NPC joined 65 state and national ag organizations in expressing support for legislation introduced by Rep. John Joyce (R-Penn.), the FARM to TABLE Act, which would make agricultural truck transportation more efficient, allow for higher farmgate prices, and lower food prices for consumers.
In a letter encouraging members of Congress to join on as cosponsors of the legislation, the group notes that “Federal law currently provides an exemption from federal hours-of-service rules for the transportation of agricultural commodities within a 150 air-mile radius from the source of the commodities, during planting and harvesting periods, as determined by the state.” The FARM to TABLE Act would alter federal hours-of-service (HOS) rules by making the exception available year round and expanding its application to more agricultural products.
Currently, 15 states do not define their planting and harvesting seasons as being year-round, which keeps truck drivers operating in their states from being able to use the agricultural exception outside of their defined planting and harvesting seasons. The letter can be found here.